
Castor Oil For Health

How To Use Castor Oil For The Abdomen

In this article you will find Castor oil based remedies for (as listed below)

  • Appendicitis
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Abdominal and Menstrual cramps
  • Abdominal Adhesions
  • Ileocecal Valve Syndrome
  • Abdominal fat
Castor Oil For Abdomen

Image: Shutterstock

Throwback to grade 2 (Or was it 1? Heavens, its been so long, I don’t even remember) and I’m sure you can recollect your teacher teaching you the various parts of the body. Looking back, I think it was adorable as a bunch of tiny hands pointed towards different parts of themselves, trying to memorize what they were called in all earnestness. There were the eyes, ears, tongue, heart, hands (always a favourite, we got to be pretend-windmills), stomach, legs…the works. But nowhere in that class or after, do I remember anyone teaching us what the abdomen was. A word that I loosely picked up over the years, never was I, or for that matter anyone, taught what an abdomen specifically is. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it..?

What Is The Abdomen?

Popular in colloquial language, the abdomen is a cavity that houses the organs of the digestive system (oesophagus, stomach, intestines, gall bladder etc.,) and others like the liver and spleen. It starts from right underneath the chest and extends up to the pelvis which is where your baby-making machines, the reproductive organs are stored. Pain or a general discomfort in the abdomen can therefore be a result of a problem with one or multiple organs within the abdominal cavity. While most of the conditions are treatable, chronic pain and/or accompanying symptoms of an illness definitely warrant a visit to the doctor.

Depending on your illness and its severity your doctor may prescribe medication or recommend a surgery for your problems. Increasingly though, a lot of people the world over are turning to natural methods of treatment as an alternative to allopathy (the use of drugs to fight disease).

Castor Oil- The King Of All Natural Remedies

When it comes to a remedy that has a cure for all (or at least, most) of your woes, Castor oil is the secret that modern science has been hiding from you. Though its use was popularised in the Western world only as late as the 1940s, it has been hiding in plain sight for much longer.

Castor oil has found uses as a household analgesic (pain-reliever), anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agent. In fact, it might surprise you to know that in a study conducted to ascertain the best medium for an ultrasound, castor oil was actually found to decrease pain (Maier and Staupendahl, 1999). How does one little oil do all these things you ask? It’s all in the details, in this case, the composition. 90% and upwards of castor oil is composed of an unusual fatty acid known as the Ricinoleic acid. This Ricinoleic acid produces a compound called ‘ricin’ which is one of the most lethal substances known to occur in nature. When just a few grams of this unassuming substance is enough to off a grown elephant, forget tiny little beings like virus and bacteria.

How To Use Castor Oil Packs To Kiss Your Abdominal Troubles Goodbye!

As discussed earlier, the abdomen houses a lot of organs important for your daily functioning. Digestion, immunity, metabolism..the abdominal organs are involved in multiple roles that have a direct influence on your health and well-being. It is natural then that any issue with one or more organ or muscle of the abdominal cavity can throw a real spanner in your regular life. Read on to know how using castor oil can help relieve the pain and discomfort caused by all these troubles!

NOTE- The remedies suggested here are adjunct remedies and must not be taken as the sole method of treatment to cure a particular condition. Avoid self-diagnosis and refer to a licensed medical practitioner on how you can include these methods in the course of treatment he/she might suggest for you.

1. Appendicitis

Anyone who has taken a science class back in high school is faintly aware of what an appendix is. One of the few vestigial (remnants of evolution) organs found in the human body, science is still divided over whether or not the appendix has a definite role in the body. One thing is for sure however, not having one doesn’t cause you any loss either.

Appendicitis is a serious medical emergency and is caused when the appendix gets blocked or obstructed due to stool backing up into it. Less commonly, this blockage may be caused by cancer or some other foreign body too. As mentioned earlier, appendicitis is a medical emergency since you stand at risk of the appendix rupturing and spilling all those toxic contents into your abdomen. Even without a rupture, appendicitis can be a painful condition causing severe pain in the abdomen with accompanying symptoms of fever, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite etc. Urination, when affected with appendicitis, may be painful too.

Castor Oil Packs are a time tested and effective remedy to banish this pain. Whether you’re already being treated for appendicitis or suspect that you may have it (in which case, rush to your doctor today), the analgesic (pain relieving) property of castor oil can go a long way in dealing with the agony.

How To Make A Castor Oil Pack

A. You will need

  • Castor Oil, 10-15 ml (as much as you need for a massage)
  • A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hot water bottle
  • A wheat bag or any gentle weight to direct heat into the body (optional)
  • Bath Towel

B. How To Do This

  1. Lie down in a comfortable space using the towel to support your back.
  2. Spread the castor oil over your palms evenly by rubbing them against each other.
  3. Cover abdomen with castor oil using gentle clockwise motions. Massage once castor oil is evenly spread.
  4. Place the flannel over the castor oil and use the plastic to wrap the flannel around your abdomen.
  5. Place the hot water bottle over the wrap and secure the assembly with the wheat bag to gently redistribute heat.
  6. Your pack is now ready.
  7. Stay put for 45 to 60 minutes for best results.
  8. Repeat this procedure three times a week for 2-3 months.


  1. Due to its strong laxative properties, check with your physician before taking castor oil orally lest the contractions rupture your appendix.
  2. Opt for warm over hot oil/water bottles to prevent rupturing your appendix.
  3. Check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil by doing a patch test. To do a patch test, apply a small amount of castor oil on your wrist or forearm. If the area gets inflamed (turns red and/or develops rashes/bumps) you’re allergic to castor oil and further use is not recommended.
  4. Consulting a physician before trying anything is always advised.

2. Abdominal Pain

Pain in the abdomen might be indicative of a multitude of problems ranging from indigestion, constipation and food poisoning to more severe ones affecting the organs like kidney stones, appendicitis, gallstones etc. Do visit a doctor to correctly identify what ails you, especially if you notice accompanying symptoms like fever, diarrhea, nausea, painful urination, the inability to pass stools etc.

But if you’re looking for a remedy for short term ailments like constipation, or an adjunct treatments to your regular course of treatment, castor oil may just be the thing for you. Use a Castor Oil Pack to relieve yourself of abdominal pain whereas, consuming castor oil orally is recommended if it has been ascertained that the pain is due to constipation or gas.

How To Make A Castor Oil Pack

Use a Castor Oil Pack as a home remedy to deal with any kind of abdominal pain. Can be used as per your discretion.

A. You will need

  • Castor Oil, 10-15 ml (as much as you need for a massage)
  • A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hot water bottle
  • A wheat bag or any gentle weight to direct heat into the body (optional)
  • Bath Towel

B. How To Do This

  1. Lie down in a comfortable space using the towel to support your back.
  2. Spread the castor oil over your palms evenly by rubbing them against each other.
  3. Cover abdomen with castor oil using gentle clockwise motions. Massage once castor oil is evenly spread.
  4. Place the flannel over the castor oil and use the plastic to wrap the flannel around your abdomen.
  5. Place the hot water bottle over the wrap and secure the assembly with the wheat bag to gently redistribute heat.
  6. Your pack is now ready.
  7. Stay put for 45 to 60 minutes for best results.


Check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil by doing a patch test. To do this, apply a small amount of castor oil on your wrist or forearm. If the area gets inflamed (turns red and/or develops rashes/bumps) you’re allergic to castor oil and further use is not recommended. Consulting a physician before trying anything is always advised.

How To Make The Castor Oil Flush Recipe

In order to deal with pain caused due to constipation or gas, consume castor oil orally to induce bowel movements. Avoid if unsure of cause of pain/discomfort.

A. You will need-

  • Pure Castor Oil, 100 ml
  • A glass of orange/cranberry juice
  • Hot water (to drink)

B. How To Do This

  1. Measure out the required amount of castor oil (15-60 ml for adults, 5-15 ml for children aged 4 to 11 years).
  2. Mix with the orange/cranberry juice. This is an optional step. The juice helps in masking the unpleasant taste of castor oil. If taking castor oil as it is, skip to the hot water step and suck on a lemon or lime wedge to rid yourself of the taste.
  3. Drink the concoction on an empty stomach at around 6 – 7 am in the morning.
  4. After 15-20 minutes, start sipping on hot water. Drink around 3-4 cups at 15 minute intervals. This will induce strong bowel movements within your body.
  5. Once you have visited the bathroom, stop sipping on hot water.
  6. Drink a glass of yoghurt or any other fermented product to cease the contractions.
  7. Snack on light foods for the rest of the day. Fruit juices, salads, steamed vegetables are advised. Avoid spicy, fried or processed food.

To be Avoided By-

  • Very young children (children aged below 4 years)
  • Pregnant women. Laxative property of castor oil causes strong pelvic contractions that may expel the foetus. Can be done before trying to get pregnant to cleanse the body and prepare it to carry a child.
  • Liver patients.
  • People suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain etc.

3. Abdominal Cramps

You might think that a cramp is just a fancy term people use for pain but turns out, it’s not. You say you have a cramp in your abdomen when the muscles of the abdomen tighten and shorten causing intense pain that makes you want to double over. Cramps are most often caused due to an electrolyte (chemicals that regulate cell and muscle activity) imbalance in the body i.e. when you have too much or too less of sodium, potassium or calcium in your system.

While mostly caused by dehydration, drinking water the moment you feel a cramp coming on might not be very effective as it might take a while for balance to be achieved. Using Castor Oil Packs to relieve yourself of pain in such situations has been shown to be very beneficial.

Menstrual Cramps: If you’re a woman, chances are your cramps are a monthly occurrence (hello, PMS!). For all those times you feel like your lower abdomen is on fire, try using Castor Oil Packs along with moist heat to relieve yourself of the agony. You could even use castor as a carrier oil for aromatherapy oils like clove, cinnamon, lavender, rose to give yourself a massage for menstrual cramps. This has been found to be very effective too. Naturopathic doctors have often recommended the use of these Packs along with changes in diet and nutritional supplements as a fail-safe method to not just deal with cramps but to do away with them completely. Try it to believe it!

How To Make A Castor Oil Pack

Due to Castor Oil’s property as an analgesic (pain reliever), use this pack as a home remedy to deal with any kind of abdominal cramp including menstrual ones. Can be used as per your discretion. In case of menstrual cramps, regular application during PMS days recommended. Due to the strong pelvic contractions it produces, avoid use when menstruating.

A. You will need

  • Castor Oil, 10-15 ml (as much as you need for a massage)
  • A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hot water bottle
  • A wheat bag or any gentle weight to direct heat into the body (optional)
  • Bath Towel

B. How To Do This

  1. Lie down in a comfortable space using the towel to support your back.
  2. Spread the castor oil over your palms evenly by rubbing them against each other.
  3. Cover abdomen with castor oil using gentle clockwise motions. Massage once castor oil is evenly spread.
  4. Place the flannel over the castor oil and use the plastic to wrap the flannel around your abdomen.
  5. Place the hot water bottle over the wrap and secure the assembly with the wheat bag to gently redistribute heat.
  6. Your pack is now ready.
  7. Stay put for 45 to 60 minutes for best results.


Check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil by doing a patch test. To do this, apply a small amount of castor oil on your wrist or forearm. If the area gets inflamed (turns red and/or develops rashes/bumps) you’re allergic to castor oil and further use is not recommended. Consulting a physician before trying anything is always advised.

To Prevent The Onset Of Cramps You Could:

1. Keep yourself hydrated. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
2. Try Vitamin supplements especially Vitamin C.
3. Strengthen your muscles with regular exercise.
4. Try a massage using any massage oil (read on to know how castor oil massages are great for you).

4. Abdominal Adhesions

If you’ve ever had a surgery, chances are you know what an abdominal adhesion is. An abdominal adhesion is the scar tissue that forms between loops of the small/large intestine and the abdominal wall, or with other organs that make up the abdominal cavity (uterus, gall bladder, liver etc).

Common causes of scar tissue include

  • Abdominal surgeries
  • C-section deliveries
  • An inflammation in abdominal organs, such as appendicitis
  • Gynaecological conditions such as the Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  • Bleeding within the abdominal cavity etc.

Presence of the scar tissue is a good sign. It means your body is healing the way it should. However, scar tissue brings with it a lot of strong emotions in people, especially women who’ve just given birth. They might even cause pain, discomfort and/or bowel obstructions leading to a lot of people wanting to have the scar tissue removed. Some women who face infertility due to adhesions involving the fallopian tubes need them removed too. If you count yourself amongst the lot that would prefer a non-invasive way to do the same, then read on to know how castor oil packs can help you in your goal.

How To Make A Castor Oil Pack

Use the Castor Oil Pack three times a week or more for a period of 4-6 weeks to treat the scar tissue. For best results use the packs for 3-6 months.

A. You will need

  • Castor Oil, 10-15 ml (as much as you need for a massage)
  • A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hot water bottle
  • A wheat bag or any gentle weight to direct heat into the body (optional)
  • Bath Towel

B. How To Do This

  1. Lie down in a comfortable space using the towel to support your back.
  2. Spread the castor oil over your palms evenly by rubbing them against each other.
  3. Cover abdomen with castor oil using gentle clockwise motions. Massage once castor oil is evenly spread.
  4. Place the flannel over the castor oil and use the plastic to wrap the flannel around your abdomen.
  5. Place the hot water bottle over the wrap and secure the assembly with the wheat bag to gently redistribute heat.
  6. Your pack is now ready.
  7. Stay put for 45 to 60 minutes for best results.
  8. Repeat this procedure three times a week for 2-3 months.

For treating vaginal scar tissue, soak an organic cotton tampon in warm castor oil and place inside for 20-30 minutes. Consult your doctor before trying this course of treatment.


Check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil by doing a patch test. To do this, apply a small amount of castor oil on your wrist or forearm. If the area gets inflamed (turns red and/or develops rashes/bumps) you’re allergic to castor oil and further use is not recommended. Consulting a physician before trying anything is always advised.

Additionally, the folks at the blog recommend some extra steps you can add to your home remedy procedure to dissolve scar tissue. (Note- The steps provided below are optional. The hot castor oil packs alone can provide significant relief and healing)

1. Get on a liquid diet.

Liquid diets are meant to replace your 3-times-a-day meals which mostly comprise of solid food. They could be fruit or vegetable juices, or shakes, or a combination of the three taken in order to help clear an obstruction in the bowels. This is a short-term diet though and should only be undertaken under appropriate medical supervision. Avoid doing this if you’re underweight or suffer from colitis/internal bleeding. If taking milk, ensure that you consume unpasteurised raw milk only.

2. Apply a DMSO+Aloe Vera solution to the abdomen.

Make a 50 % solution of DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide, an organic sulphur compound obtained from trees) and Aloe Vera juice i.e. 2 tablespoons of DMSO combined with 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera juice. Make sure that the DMSO and Aloe Vera juice you use are a 100% organic. Apply to the area of the abdomen that has the scar tissue. Clean abdomen with soap and water before applying the solution to clean dirt or any residue from body creams, lotions etc.

Allow the solution to dry before applying the hot Castor Oil Pack. It is normal for the skin to feel itchy once it starts to dry but if you develop rashes, decrease the concentration of DMSO or consult a physician before proceeding any further.

If you notice any softening in your belly or find that your scar is slightly inflamed or releasing fluid, don’t panic. This indicates that the castor oil pack treatment is working. Other side effects may include discomfort, bloating or nausea. However, if the problem persists after a few hours, consult your doctor at the earliest.

5. Ileocecal Valve Syndrome

Not talked about enough yet a common problem, the Ileocecal valve syndrome concerns the valve joining the small and large intestine. Though they have similar sounding names, the function of each intestine is quite diverse. The small intestine is involved in digesting and assimilating the food passed on it from the stomach, hence the millions of tiny folds. The large intestine, on the other hand, receives the indigestible food matter from the small intestine, absorbs as much water and nutrients from it as it can, and passes along the waste. Clearly then, this valve is important as it makes sure that the undigested food is passed along to the large intestine but not returned back.

The Ileocecal valve syndrome occurs when this valve stops functioning right. There are two kinds of conditions associated with this syndrome. In the Open ICVS, toxic material from the large intestine is transmitted back to the small intestine instead of forward, causing diarrhea. In the Closed ICVS, undigested food is not transmitted forward to the large intestine by the small causing constipation.

To maintain effective functioning of the ileocecal valve, a good diet is most essential. Avoid spicy, sugary or fermented food to prevent the valve from losing function. Vitamin supplements especially Vitamin C and B12 help aid the digestive process too. This is a long term strategy however. To deal with the immediate pain caused by this syndrome, detoxification is recommended. For quick and effective detoxification that you can do right from the comfort of your pain, try a Castor Oil Pack.

Many patients who suffer from ICVS, swear by the saviour that is Castor Oil. Due to Castor Oil’s strong analgesic and laxative properties, it can help your body flush out the backed up undigested food while also helping you deal with the pain simultaneously.

To use Castor Oil Packs as a home remedy for ICVS, use these packs three consecutive days of the week. Use again after four days. Repeat this treatment for at least 2-3 week (or more, as desired).

How To Make A Castor Oil Pack

A. You will need

• Castor Oil, 10-15 ml (as much as you need for a massage)
• A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen
• Plastic wrap
• Hot water bottle
• A wheat bag or any gentle weight to direct heat into the body (optional)
• Bath Towel
B. How To Do This

1. Lie down in a comfortable space using the towel to support your back.
2. Spread the castor oil over your palms evenly by rubbing them against each other.
3. Cover abdomen with castor oil using gentle clockwise motions. Massage once castor oil is evenly spread.
4. Place the flannel over the castor oil and use the plastic to wrap the flannel around your abdomen.
5. Place the hot water bottle over the wrap and secure the assembly with the wheat bag to gently redistribute heat.
6. Your pack is now ready.
7. Stay put for 45 to 60 minutes for best results.
Caution- Check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil by doing a patch test. To do this, apply a small amount of castor oil on your wrist or forearm. If the area gets inflamed (turns red and/or develops rashes/bumps) you’re allergic to castor oil and further use is not recommended. Consulting a physician before trying anything is always advised.

6. Abdominal Fat

Weight is something we’ve all struggled with at some point of our lives. Some want to shed those excess kilos while others try their hardest to gain some. Since most of us fall into the first category though, there are exercises, diets, blogs and fads aplenty when it comes to weight loss. But where not all have stood the test of time, castor oil most certainly has.

You might wonder how an oil can help you lose those ungainly inches that the treadmill has not. The truth is, it won’t. At least not by itself. Castor oil is not a secret potion that will take you from fat to fabulous overnight but when combined with the right exercise and diet, it can help you achieve your goal that much faster.

You may have observed that even after spending long hours at the gym and taking charge of your cravings, your weight isn’t registering much change. This happens when your body is constipated or bloated and is unable to flush out the toxins from your system effectively. Castor oil helps in this regard by eliminating compacted waste by treating constipation while also promoting metabolism and proper digestive function. Talk about a two-in-one approach if you will!

To treat abdominal fat using castor oil, try daily massages with warm castor oil and/or hot castor oil packs three times a week.

How To Do A Castor Oil Massage

Method 1

  • Heat the castor oil over the stove or in a microwave.
  • Lie flat on your back on the bed or a yoga mat.
  • Pour some oil into your palms and run them together to spread the oil evenly.
  • Place your palms on your lower abdomen.
  • Start making small circles across your abdomen, starting on the sides. Glide towards the centre (towards your navel) and down.
  • Apply gentle but firm pressure as you trace these circles on your abdomen.
  • Do this for about 5 minutes everyday, twice a day.

Method 2

  • Heat the castor oil over the stove or in a microwave.
  • Lie flat on your back on the bed or a yoga mat.
  • Pour some oil into your palms and run them together to spread the oil evenly.
  • Place one hand on your breastbone and using gentle but firm pressure, slide it down and out.
  • Replace first hand with the second and continue the procedure to get a constant rhythm.
  • Do this for about 10-15 minutes everyday, twice a day.

To Be Avoided By-

  • Pregnant women.
  • People with hernias, gallstones or kidney stones.
  • People with inflammation in the reproductive organs.
  • People with stomach ulcers or calcium deposits in the bladder.
  • People suffering from internal bleeding.

How To Make A Castor Oil Pack

A. You will need

  • Castor Oil, 10-15 ml (as much as you need for a massage)
  • A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hot water bottle
  • A wheat bag or any gentle weight to direct heat into the body (optional)
  • Bath Towel

B. How To Do This

  1. Lie down in a comfortable space using the towel to support your back.
  2. Spread the castor oil over your palms evenly by rubbing them against each other.
  3. Cover abdomen with castor oil using gentle clockwise motions. Massage once castor oil is evenly spread.
  4. Place the flannel over the castor oil and use the plastic to wrap the flannel around your abdomen.
  5. Place the hot water bottle over the wrap and secure the assembly with the wheat bag to gently redistribute heat.
  6. Your pack is now ready.
  7. Stay put for 45 to 60 minutes for best results.


Check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil by doing a patch test. To do this, apply a small amount of castor oil on your wrist or forearm. If the area gets inflamed (turns red and/or develops rashes/bumps) you’re allergic to castor oil and further use is not recommended. Consulting a physician before trying anything is always advised.

How an Abdominal Massage Can Act As Both Prevention and Cure

Massage or touch therapy has been part of traditional healing systems for millennia. Believed to have begun in India under the auspices of Ayurveda (3000 BCE), the first written evidence of massage therapy comes from China and Egypt dating back to 2700 BCE. Back then, massage therapy was considered a sacred science and practitioners were masters of the healing arts. Widely respected even today, the practice of massage has been fast gaining popularity as a non-invasive and chemical-free method of restoring health to the body.

Abdominal massages help not only in relieving pain but the stress of everyday life and rigidity too. Additionally, it helps promote overall health by restoring metabolism and inducing bowel movements in the abdomen. So, whether you are suffering from pain, cramps, constipation, stress, soreness or are even just looking to lose weight, try an abdominal massage to see the holistic benefits of this ancient science.

Castor oil when used as a massage oil has wonderful healing and rejuvenating properties. Due to its analgesic properties, it can help relieve pain, cramps and stiffness of the muscles. Research has found that castor oil, when used even topically, can help boost immunity in the body by increasing the count of lymphocytes (disease fighting cells) in your bloodstream. As a strong laxative, castor oil can help flush out the toxins and induce bowel movements too. Another plus is that its strong antimicrobial activity can help rid you of fungal or bacterial infections affecting the skin.

How To Do An Abdominal Massage Using Castor Oil

Method 1

  • Heat the castor oil over the stove or in a microwave.
  • Lie flat on your back on the bed or a yoga mat.
  • Pour some oil into your palms and run them together to spread the oil evenly.
  • Place your palms on your lower abdomen.
  • Start making small circles across your abdomen, starting on the sides. Glide towards the centre (towards your navel) and down.
  • Apply gentle but firm pressure as you trace these circles on your abdomen.
  • Do this for about 5 minutes everyday, twice a day.

Method 2

  • Heat the castor oil over the stove or in a microwave.
  • Lie flat on your back on the bed or a yoga mat.
  • Pour some oil into your palms and run them together to spread the oil evenly.
  • Place one hand on your breastbone and using gentle but firm pressure, slide it down and out.
  • Replace first hand with the second and continue the procedure to get a constant rhythm.
  • Do this for about 10-15 minutes everyday, twice a day.

To Be Avoided By-

  • Pregnant women.
  • People with hernias, gallstones or kidney stones.
  • People with inflammation in the reproductive organs.
  • People with stomach ulcers or calcium deposits in the bladder.
  • People suffering from internal bleeding

Benefits Of An Abdominal Massage

As discussed earlier, a massage is therapy for mind and body. The beauty of this form of treatment is that if done right, there are temporary to no side effects. Unless you are allergic to massage oils, the discomfort or swelling you may face during a massage are only temporary and will fade with time. In return, you get peace of both, mind and body, right at your fingertips.

Using Castor oil as a massage oil is a wonderful option for those seeking a holistic method of treatment that considers both their social and mental well being. Listed below are a few of the benefits of this miracle oil-

  • Relieves pain and/or discomfort caused due to cramps or inflammation in the body.
  • Heals rashes/bumps/outbreaks on the skin.
  • Fights immunity by increasing lymphocyte production.
  • Flushes out toxins and induces bowel movements.
  • Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • Reduces bloating.
  • Improves menstruation, relieves menstrual cramps. Use Castor oil as a carrier oil along with an aromatherapy oil like rose, lavender, cinnamon etc., for a massage.
  • Relieves stress, anger, feelings of bitterness etc.

The key to a healthy life lies in a healthy body. Taking care of your abdomen occupies prime position in this scenario because of the many functions it supports. Digestion, excretion, metabolism, have your abdomen to thank for it all. Exercise right, eat better and go natural as far as possible to watch how it transforms your life. Remember, all good

habits begin at home!

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