
Castor Oil For Health

Castor Oil For Stomach

In this article, you will find Castor oil-based remedies for (as listed below)

  1. Constipation
  2. Stomach Cramps
  3. Stomach Fat
  4. Gas and Bloating
  5. Stomach Ulcers
  6. Stomach Cancer
  7. Stomach Worms
  8. Stomach Flu
Castor Oil For Stomach

Image: Shutterstock

Though not an organ most of us give a second thought to, the moment something goes wrong in the stomach’s functioning, it’s like time comes to a stop. A stomach ache is a pain all of us have felt dearly, at least once in our lifetime. Acid reflux, gas, bloating, constipation are other common conditions familiar to most of us while some others may have seen the dark side of stomach cancer and other serious conditions too. Over-the-counter medication for the common conditions is easily available while others may require a visit to the doctor. But what if I told you that there was a way to treat all of these conditions (or at least their symptoms) right at home and right from the comfort of your armchair?

Castor Oil For Stomach Woes

Castor oil has been around for millennia and is part of many traditional-medicine practices across the globe. Its use in the USA was popularized in the 1940s by the renowned psychic healer Edward Cayce. Cayce and his unconventional treatment were themselves immortalized in the book ‘The Oil That Heals’ by William A McCarey that has achieved cult status of sorts amongst practitioners of home remedies.

Native to India and Africa, castor oil is renowned the world over for its properties as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. It derives these qualities due to the high concentration of the mono-unsaturated fatty acid Ricinoleic acid (above 90%) present in the castor plant. This Ricinoleic acid produces the toxin ‘Ricin’, one amongst the most lethal substances occurring in nature. In fact, it might surprise you to know that ricin from this humble plant has been used a biological warfare agent too!

So, does that mean we’re asking you to play with fire? Fret not, dear ones! The castor oil used at home has been processed to remove the ricin. As a matter of fact, the minute quantities left behind are what help in dealing with all your medical issues, in this case, the ones related to your stomach. Stomach cancer? Stomach cramps? Flu? Ulcers? Pain? Read on to find out how castor oil is your panacea for them all!

1. Castor Oil on Stomach For Constipation

Our digestive system works no less than a wonderfully well-oiled machine. But just as dust and debris might get into your machine occasionally and disrupt its functioning, internal debris might affect your digestive system too.

Ideally, the food we eat is passed along to the various organs of the digestive system, where each has a specific role to play. The food is digested and broken down in the first few parts of the system, and waste is produced in the remaining parts, which is then passed along to the colon. The colon is responsible for extracting the remaining water, salt and electrolytes from the undigested food before it is removed from the body. However, when the colon starts to absorb waste instead of eliminating it, it leads to a build-up of toxins in the body. So, while on the one hand, your body’s efficacy in absorbing water and nutrients is hampered, leading to fatigue and low energy, on the other, toxins are accumulated, leading to constipation, bloating, headaches and other chronic illnesses. Result? Your digestive system starts to falter.

This situation is easy to reverse, though. A simple colon cleanse can restore to your body its previous efficiency and vitality. And what better way to do this than go natural? Castor oil is amongst the most potent laxatives known to man and has been used as one since centuries.

How To Make The Castor Oil Flush Recipe

You Will Need

  • Pure castor oil, 100 ml
  • A glass of orange/cranberry juice
  • Hot water (to drink)

How To Do This

  • Measure out the required amount of castor oil (15-60 ml for adults, 5-15 ml for children aged 4 to 11 years).
  • Mix with the orange/cranberry juice. This is an optional step. The juice helps in masking the unpleasant taste of the castor oil. If you want to have castor oil as it is, skip to the hot water step and suck on a lemon or lime wedge to get rid of the taste.
  • Drink the concoction on an empty stomach at around 6 – 7 am in the morning.
  • After 15-20 minutes, start sipping on the hot water. Drink around 3-4 cups at 15-minute intervals. This will induce strong bowel movements.
  • Once you have visited the bathroom, stop sipping on hot water.
  • Drink a glass of yogurt or any other fermented product to cease the contractions.
  • Snack on light foods for the rest of the day. Fruit juices, salads, and steamed vegetables are advised. Avoid spicy, fried or processed food.

To Be Avoided By-

  • Very young children (children aged below 4 years).
  • Pregnant women. The laxative property of castor oil causes strong pelvic contractions that may expel the fetus. Can be done before trying to get pregnant to cleanse the body and prepare it to carry a child.
  • Liver patients.
  • People suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc.

2. Stomach Cramps

Menstrual days are dreadful days. There are countless women out there for whom life comes to a standstill each month when their period hits. The cramps, the pain, the moodiness… they make life unbearable, and it feels like there’s nothing you can do about it other than wait for it to pass, right?


Naturopathic doctors have long recommended the application of castor oil packs along with moist heat over the lower abdomen as a guaranteed method to do away with cramps. Due to castor oil’s properties as an analgesic (pain-reliever), women who have tried this pack swear by it to anyone who will listen. Just 30 minutes with these packs, they say, and you can kiss those cramps away!

In fact, some women have even reported how the regular application of castor oil packs, along with some changes in diet and additional nutritional supplements, not only relieved them of their cramps but PMS too (talk about hitting the mother lode).

The castor oil packs suggested here are effective not only for menstrual cramps but a ton of other conditions that involve inflammation and pain. Scientific research has established the analgesic and anti-inflammatory action of castor oil along with its activity as a free radical scavenger. These properties of castor oil can be attributed to the flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, alkaloids and steroids that make up its chemical composition.

How To Make A Castor Oil Pack To Put The Cramp In Cramps

You Will Need

  • Hexane-free castor oil, 10-15 ml (as much as you need for a massage)
  • A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hot water bottle
  • A wheat bag or any gentle weight to direct heat into the body
  • Bath towel

How To Do This

  • Lie down in a comfortable space using the towel to support your back.
  • Spread the castor oil over your palms evenly by rubbing them against each other.
  • Using gentle, clockwise motions, rub castor oil on stomach. Massage.
  • Place the flannel over the castor oil and use the plastic to wrap the flannel around your abdomen.
  • Place the hot water bottle over the wrap and secure the assembly with the wheat bag to gently redistribute heat.
  • Your pack is now ready.
  • Stay put for 45 to 60 minutes for best results.

Prior to using the castor oil pack, check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil by doing a patch test. Apply a small amount of castor oil on your wrist or forearm. If the area gets inflamed (turns red and/or develops rashes/bumps), you’re allergic to castor oil, and further use is not recommended. Consulting a physician before trying anything is recommended.

3. Stomach Fat

Repeat after me, fat is good. Did I surprise you by saying that? I’m not kidding, it actually is.

Then why are we talking about losing fat, you say? Because just like too much of anything is bad, too much fat is bad for your body too. Fat is essential because it provides protection to your internal organs from shock and trauma. This fat is called visceral fat. Excess visceral fat, however, can put you at a high risk of diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. So, while you want some fat, you definitely do not want to have too much of it.

Most of us are aware though that losing fat is easier said than done. Gym, pilates, yoga, crash diets… most of us have been there, done that, only to see little to no improvement. And where there are results, they are slow to achieve. In such a case, consider adding some natural alternatives to your weight loss routine to put you on track for a healthy life that much faster.

Say hello to your new weight loss instructor – castor oil!

It might seem implausible, but those who believe in the goodness of castor oil swear that just two tablespoons of castor oil each day can help you lose up to 3 kgs in a week.

How, you ask? It has been suggested that castor oil helps in shedding fat by working as a fat burner. By encouraging the body to burn stored fat and not calories as a fuel source, it speeds up the metabolism. Due to its function as a waste eliminator, it reduces the urge for useless snacking and leaves you feeling energetic and refreshed. Thus, not only is it helping you burn fat, but it also restricts you from adding to it by cutting down on unhealthy snacking.

How To Use Castor Oil For Weight Loss

Since castor oil has an unpleasant taste, you might want to mix it with a glass of fresh fruit juice or a smoothie. For a weight loss recipe that also doubles as an excellent breakfast, we recommend the orange smoothie (remember to use castor oil with orange, cranberry or ginger ales/juices only).

You Will Need

  • Pure castor oil, 75 ml
  • 2 oranges, peeled
  • A cup of cold milk
  • 1 banana
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • 250 grams fat-free yogurt
  • 4-6 cubes of ice

How To Do This

  • Put the oranges, milk, banana, sugar, salt and yogurt in a blender and blend for a minute.
  • Add the ice cubes once the minute is up and blend until smooth.
  • Measure out the required amount of castor oil (15-50 ml).
  • Mix the castor oil into the smoothie and drink.

Remember to not use castor oil on a regular basis. Discontinue after a week’s usage. Due to its strong laxative properties, prolonged use may cause dehydration, diarrhoea, nausea and/or weakening, among other effects. Consult a physician if you wish to use it on a regular basis. Pregnant women, liver patients and those already suffering from an illness must avoid using castor oil or consult a physician before usage

4. Gas And Bloating

Yes, they’re related, yet different. Read on to know how.

Intestinal gas: Did you know that we fart at least 14 times a day? That’s the equivalent of half a litre of gas. You and I may not admit it, but we’ve all been guilty of passing gas surreptitiously every once in a while. And why not? Though not part of the most polite drawing room conversation, gas or flatulence is a by-product of our body’s digestive system. Sometimes, when food reaches the large intestine without being completely digested, it may ferment in the presence of the gut bacteria, creating gas in the process. This gas is then passed on to the rectum. The urge to pass gas is nothing but the contractions your rectum is undertaking to eliminate this waste from your body.

Now, while this is absolutely normal, flatulence becomes chronic when the number of times gas is passed, or its volume, is significantly more than the daily average. Chronic intestinal gas is an indication that your digestive system is not working at the rate at which it should. When faeces takes longer than usual to travel along the colon, it begins to putrefy, causing gas.

Bloating: The gas build-up due to improper digestion of food causes pressure to accumulate in the abdominal area, causing a distension we refer to as bloating. Bloating causes a sense of fullness in the body and can be annoying and uncomfortable. Thus, both gas and bloating are due to improper digestion of food. This improper digestion can be due to several causes such as lifestyle choices, dietary habits, intolerance to particular kinds of food, disorders of the digestive system and/or a dip in the number of beneficial micro-organisms in the gut.

To aid the digestive process and get your bowels moving, you could try using certain herbal laxatives such as castor oil or senna leaves. The use of laxatives helps move the faeces and gas along the colon, causing them to be eliminated faster. This method can be done 4-5 times one to two months apart.

How To Use Castor Oil To Cure Intestinal Gas And Bloating

You Will Need

  • Hot water (to drink)
  • A glass of orange/cranberry juice
  • Pure castor oil, 100 ml

How To Do This

  • Measure out the required amount of castor oil (15-60 ml for adults, 5-15 ml for children aged 4 to 11 years).
  • Mix with the orange/cranberry juice. This is an optional step. The juice helps in masking the unpleasant taste of the castor oil. If you are taking castor oil as it is, skip to the hot water step and suck on a lemon or lime wedge to get rid of the taste.
  • Drink the concoction on an empty stomach at around 6-7 am in the morning.
  • After 15-20 minutes, start sipping on the hot water. Drink around 3-4 cups at 15-minute intervals. This will induce strong bowel movements within your body.
  • Once you have visited the bathroom, stop sipping on the hot water.
  • Drink a glass of yogurt or any other fermented product to cease the contractions.
  • Snack on light foods for the rest of the day. Fruit juices, salads, and steamed vegetables are advised. Avoid spicy, fried or processed food.

To Be Avoided By

  • Very young children (children aged below 4 years).
  • Pregnant women. The laxative property of castor oil causes strong pelvic contractions that may expel the fetus. Can be done before trying to get pregnant to cleanse the body and prepare it to carry a child.
  • Liver patients.
  • People suffering from diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc.

Do not take more than the recommended dose as the effect can be strong. Avoid using herbal laxatives as a long term strategy as your bowels might become dependent on them, worsening your condition. For better results, increase the content of high fiber food in your diet.

5. Stomach Ulcers

Also known as peptic ulcers, stomach ulcers are small, painful sores that occur in the lining of the stomach and small intestine. There are many factors that may lead to the formation of ulcers in your gastrointestinal tract:

  • the production of excess acid in the stomach due to food habits, stress, etc. Genetics may play a role too.
  • an infection of the GI tract by the bacterium Heliobacterium pylori.
  • overuse or long-standing use of drugs such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen.

Stomach ulcers are not uncommon, and everyone knows someone who’s suffered from a stomach ulcer at least once in their lifetime. They bring with them various side effects such as pain, nausea, bloating, heartburn, etc., and while medical treatment for them is fairly simple, if you prefer a natural alternative that is both efficient and cheap, castor oil may just be the thing for you.

Using castor oil to treat stomach ulcers can help reduce the pain and inflammation to a large extent. A popular home remedy is to mix castor oil with milk. It protects the lining of the stomach by reducing the acidity caused by stomach ulcers. Consult a doctor before self-medicating.

Home Remedy For Stomach Ulcers

To treat stomach ulcers, you will need 30 grams pure castor oil and 250 grams milk.

  • Heat the milk over the stove or in a microwave till it is lukewarm.
  • Mix the castor oil with the warm milk.
  • Drink 2–3 times a day as long as the problem persists.

Note – Though very rare, check if you’re allergic to castor oil before consumption. Pregnant women should avoid using castor oil as it is a strong laxative and may cause pelvic contractions.

6. Stomach Cancer

Cancer of the stomach, also known as gastric cancer, occurs when the cells that make up the lining of your stomach turn cancerous. Unlike normal cells, cancerous cells have lost their ability to stop growing after a certain point. This causes them to keep multiplying and growing, eventually leading to a tumour-like mass. The cancer may be benign (stays in one place) or malignant (spreads to other parts of the body). This makes malignant tumours/cancers the more dangerous kind.

The use of castor oil packs for treating cancer was first put forward by the psychic healer Cayce when he suggested this remedy to a woman suffering from cancer of the upper bowel (Did you know he actually got famous for diagnosing people, accurately may I add, over the phone?). In other nutrition-based therapies too, it was suggested that since cancer is a degenerative disease, detoxification carried out using castor oil and enemas could go a long way in treating its root cause.

According to studies, using castor oil packs on a regular basis can help improve the function of your immune system. It does this by improving the efficiency of the thymus gland and increasing the T-lymphocyte count in the body. Hot castor oil packs have been reported to be effective for:

  • muscle and bone pain.
  • spasms and cramping in any part of the body that pains, including the liver region.
  • increasing blood and lymph circulation.
  • relaxing muscles.
  • dispersing toxicity.

Massaging along the spinal cord and the lymphatic drainage pathway can provide additional relief from pain.

Research into the toxin ricin to combat cancer is under way as well. Reports by the American Cancer Society have suggested that ricin, in combination with an antibody, may shrink tumors in lymphoma patients by confining the toxin to malignant cells. This method of treatment is still under early clinical trials and needs further clinical investigation.

How To Make A Castor Oil Pack To Fight Stomach Cancer

You Will Need

  • Hexane-free castor oil, 10-15 ml (as much as you need for a massage)
  • A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hot water bottle
  • A wheat bag or any gentle weight to direct heat into the body
  • Bath towel

How To Do This

  1. Lie down in a comfortable space using the towel to support your back.
  2. Spread the castor oil over your palms evenly by rubbing them against each other.
  3. Using gentle, clockwise motions, spread the castor oil on your abdomen. Massage.
  4. Place the flannel over the castor oil and use the plastic to wrap the flannel around your abdomen.
  5. Place the hot water bottle over the wrap and secure the assembly with the wheat bag to gently redistribute heat.
  6. Your pack is now ready.
  7. Stay put for 45 to 60 minutes for best results.

Prior to using the castor oil pack, check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil by doing a patch test. Apply a small amount of castor oil on your wrist or forearm. If the area gets inflamed (turns red and/or develops rashes/bumps), you’re allergic to castor oil, and further use is not recommended. Consulting a physician before trying anything is recommended.

7. Stomach Worms

I agree, ew. Not the stomach, but the gut plays host to a large number of friendly microorganisms that aid the breakdown and digestion of food. However, unhealthy dietary choices, such as an excess of sweet foods or meat that is contaminated, can introduce a large number of unfriendly microorganisms and parasites such as tapeworms in your body. This can make you very, very sick.

These parasites not only feed off you but also cause symptoms such as appetite loss, fatigue, diarrhoea, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies, among others. Sometimes you may see these worms in your stool too, while in some cases there may be no apparent symptoms.

Treatment for these diseases is fairly simple and your doctor might prescribe medication that will have you feeling fine in a few days. However, for those looking for a natural alternative, castor oil is the way to go (considering symptoms of nausea and diarrhea, consulting a doctor before consuming castor oil is advised).

How To Use Castor Oil For Stomach Worms

You Will Need

  • Pure castor oil, 100 ml
  • Hot water (to drink)
  • 1 tablespoon of ground flax sweets (optional)

How To Do This

  • Measure out the required amount of castor oil (15-60 ml for adults, 5-15 ml for children aged 4 to 11 years).
  • Add the castor oil in a glass of hot water and sip slowly.
  • You may mix the tablespoon of ground flax seeds into the castor oil-hot water concoction for better results. This is an optional step.
  • Drink around 3-4 cups at 15-minute intervals. This will induce strong bowel movements.
  • Once you have visited the bathroom, stop sipping on hot water.
  • Drink a glass of yogurt or any other fermented product to cease the contractions.
  • Snack on light foods for the rest of the day. Fruit juices, salads, and steamed vegetables are advised. Avoid spicy, fried or processed foods.

To Be Avoided By

  • Very young children (children aged below 4 years).
  • Pregnant women. Laxative property of castor oil causes strong pelvic contractions that may expel the fetus. Can be done before trying to get pregnant to cleanse the body and prepare it to carry a child.
  • Liver patients.
  • People suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc.

8. Stomach Flu

Mistakenly referred to as the ‘flu’, the stomach flu is actually a disease known as gastroenteritis. Unlike the influenza virus that causes flu and affects the head and chest, gastroenteritis may be caused by a virus, bacteria or parasite that affects the stomach.

Common symptoms include stomach aches, diarrhea and nausea, which may or may not be accompanied by vomiting. While the body tends to resolve these issues within 10 days even if not treated, the process can be fastened by taking medicines that your doctor may recommend.

Additionally, castor oil packs may help alleviate the pain caused due to a stomach infection. Besides its activity as an analgesic, castor oil has also been seen to improve the lymphatic circulation (the stream that carriers your disease-fighting cells throughout the body), thereby helping to eliminate the infection that much faster. This is beneficial because gastroenteritis is seen to affect young children mostly, and castor oil packs may be used as a non-invasive and natural alternative to treat them.

How To Make A Castor Oil Pack To Help Your Child Battle Stomach Bugs

You Will Need

  • Hexane-free castor oil, 10-15 ml (as much as you need for a massage)
  • A piece of flannel large enough to cover the abdomen
  • Plastic wrap
  • Hot water bottle
  • A wheat bag or any gentle weight to direct heat into the body
  • Bath towel

How To Do This

  • Lie down in a comfortable space using the towel to support your back.
  • Spread the castor oil over your palms evenly by rubbing them against each other.
  • Using gentle, clockwise motions, spread the castor oil on your abdomen. Massage.
  • Place the flannel over the castor oil and use the plastic to wrap the flannel around your abdomen.
  • Place the hot water bottle over the wrap and secure the assembly with the wheat bag to gently redistribute heat.
  • Your pack is now ready.
  • Stay put for 45 to 60 minutes for best results.

Prior to using the castor oil for stomach cleansing, check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil by doing a patch test. Apply a small amount of castor oil on your wrist or forearm. If the area gets inflamed (turns red and/or develops rashes/bumps), you’re allergic to castor oil, and further use is not recommended. Consulting a physician before trying anything is recommended.

As seen above, castor oil is pretty much a one-stop shop for all your ailments. But remember that what works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. Check to see if you’re allergic to castor oil before using it any form (internal or external). For external application, a patch test is recommended. Consulting a physician before trying any home remedy is always recommended. If you said yes, yes and yes to all of those statements above, welcome aboard! We can’t wait for you to fall in love with castor oil as much as we do.

Stay safe, stay healthy!

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